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Episode 105

12 Apr 2024
No More Microscopes. How close are we to glassless pathology?

Franklin.ai recommends…

This month’s podcast recommendation is from Vanessa Cheung, Product Manager at Franklin.ai:

“In this episode, Dr. Zuraw interviews Dr. Richard Levenson, who has a background in anatomical pathology and extensive experience in digital pathology. Digital pathology workflows today require scanning glass slides to be visualised on a screen. Dr Levenson discusses the possibility of a glassless process to further improve efficiency to deliver timely results to patients. I can’t wait to see the validation work Dr Levenson and his research team will produce in the future and how this can evolve digital pathology.”

Episode 256

6 Feb 2024
Late Night Linux – Amazon’s Linux-based OS, GNOME news and more

Franklin.ai recommends…

This month’s podcast recommendation is from Ben Johnston, Principal Engineer at Franklin.ai:

Late Night Linux delves into discussions on Linux, open source software, and systems administration, covering the latest news, releases, and broader trends in the realm of free and open source software.

This episode explores a range of topics including a new version of the Steam Deck, Amazon’s new Linux-based OS, great news for GNOME, GitHub going all in on Copilot and more.

Episode 92

10 Jan 2024
Digital Pathology Podcast – The Evolution of Digital Pathology: 2013 vs. 2023

Franklin.ai recommends…

This month’s podcast recommendation is from Stuart Wishart, Principal Engineer at Franklin.ai:

“This episode featuring Dr. Matt Leavitt takes you on a journey through the years of incredible transformation in digital pathology. A particularly interesting discussion point for me was where they’re talking about setting up the DDx Foundation to provide big companies with ethical access to a broad range of patients, e.g. outside of big cities and from minority ethnic groups.”

Episode 83

12 Dec 2023
Digital Pathology Place: Top 5 Mistakes you must AVOID in using Machine Learning for pathology

Franklin.ai recommends…

We’re asking the Franklin team to share some of their top pick podcast episodes. Phil Young, Engineering Manager provides us with his…

This informative discussion with Heather Couture, an expert in machine learning for pathology, highlights the top 5 mistakes to avoid to ensure the best possible machine learning and deep learning project outcomes.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can maximize the benefits of machine learning for pathology and ensure accurate and timely project results and product launches. Whether you are new to machine learning or an experienced practitioner, this discussion is a valuable resource for anyone interested in using machine learning (including deep learning) for pathology.

Episode 42

13 Nov 2023
This Medical Life: The Double Helix Structure of DNA | Finding Franklin

Franklin.ai recommends…

Each month we feature a podcast recommendation from our team. This months’ comes from pathologist Dr Fiona Maclean:

“Dr Travis Brown presents a podcast series “This Medical Life” in which he aims to present the stories of medicine by relating accounts of the pursuit of knowledge of diseases from ancient times to the present day. In this episode he interviews Prof Nathaniel Comfort, the Professor of the History of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University, who discusses the discovery of the structure of the double helix. This discovery in the 1950s has been described as the most significant biological accomplishment of the 20th century. One of the main contributors to this discovery was Rosalind Franklin and this podcast sets the record straight concerning her contribution to the solution of the structure. The key take aways are:

  1. The importance of getting history right
  2. Recognising unrecognised voices in science
  3. An illustration of how difficult it is to think historically

There’s a great article with more information on the topic here.
